Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Finding Falcon hidden bugs - with a little help from my shell

There is a song that keeps popping on my mind when I test something difficult. Usually, when I can't get the result I am seeking with normal operations, and I have to resort to some trick, I hear Joe Cocker singing With a little help from my friends. My best friends when I test are bash, vim, and perl.
Today, I was testing Falcon on my Intel based MacBook. The last Falcon release does not compile on Macs, but it has been recently patched, and today with my delight it built smoothly.
Having got the binaries, I ran the test suite, because that's the fastest way of finding out if something is broken. Soon enough, something nasty popped up. Test "falcon_bug_29040" failed with timeout. Thus, I switched to full bug finding mode, and ran the test again.
Odd. When run alone, it succeeds.
I restart the test suite. Again, it fails, but it is executed after some 40 different tests. Apparently, there is a conflict. Either a previous test is not cleaning up after itself, or there is yet another bug to be filed.
Then the task is: how do I know which of the previous tests make it fail?
The solution is to run the tests before "falcon_bug_28040" one at the time, with the suspect one immediately after. When I get a failure, I know who the culprit is.
With a little help from my shell, the task is easy:

for T in t/falcon_bug_2[234567]*.test ; \
do \
TEST=`basename $T .test` ; \
echo $T $TEST ;
./mtr --skip-ndb --skip-im $TEST falcon_bug_28040 ; \

The tests before the one under examination are all falcon_bug_XXXXX, where XXXX ranges from 22089 to 27997. So I ask the shell to single out the tests in that range. For each one, I get the base name (without extension), and I pass it to the test runner. Total time to find the culprit: three minutes.
It took me much more to submit the bug report and to write this account of the facts!

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